Friday, August 14, 2009

strawberries, webcam, and the weekend.

I have been buying pints of strawberries every single grocery shopping trip. (yumm, cheap California strawberries) I'm not quite ready to start making jam or anything serious, but we have been having tons of strawberry brown sugar toast! [the boss family will know what I'm talking about:-)] Eric saw me make it one morning for breakfast and has been hooked ever since. But he wants to know, Grammy, does it have an actual name??

I got a web cam while Eric was gone last weekend (story to come). It was on sale at Target and looks like this:

It's pretty tiny (maybe 3/4 inch by 2 inches?). I wanted it in red or blue, but all they had left was black. Who wants to video G-chat with me? anyone?

Also, this weekend we [tentatively] plan to:

  1. Grocery shop with a meal plan for the week (thanks mom and mrs. G, for setting the example on this. I hate deciding dinner on my way home from work only to find I don't have any of the ingredients I need!)
  2. Start sorting books (our living room has looked a little bit like this for over a month, hence, no pictures of our house yet)
  3. shop for bookshelves (Eric want this corner bookcase or something like it)
  4. get my computer fixed!
  5. go through more honeymoon pictures!
Here's a glimpse from the first day in Italy:


just a little update from Casa Chappell :-)

1 comment:

  1. You have the Boss sugar addiction. You know Grampa Boss puts sugar on raw vegetables. It's a sickness. Seek help.

    Also, are the CA strawberries better out there? Because the ones they ship out here have no taste


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